[RMI 2019] Devil
Difficulty Ratings Idea Creativity: 3/5 Techniques Used: 2/5 Implementation : 3/5 Link English Statement You are given a string of length $1 \le N \le 1e5$ that only consists of digits $1$~$9$. Permutate the given digits to minimize the maximum integer that can be formed by taking a substring of length $K$. Solution Firstly, it is obvious that you can move the largest K-1 digits to the back of the string and ignore them. Now, the $K$ is no longer significant and you only have to minimize the lexiographically largest non empty-suffix (here empty string is lexicographically largest :P). So, let's imagine you have a bunch of strings $s$ where you have to stick them together in some ways to minimize the maximum suffix. Then, you should repeat the following step until only one string remain: append the lexicographically smallest string to the back of the lexicographical string. I uh..., have tried to come up with a proper proof for a while, but I couldn't... So, pr...